NABH Accredited Ayurveda & Panchkarma Clinics & Hospitals
Quality Management Systems (Nabh Accredited) for Ayurveda Hospitals and Treatment Centres is the need of the hour. Over the last 5 years especially there has been a phenomenal growth of Ayurveda based therapies like Panchakarma which are followed not just for treatment of diseases but also for preventive health care, resulting in large numbers of health centres and resorts coming up in India, many of them without adequate infrastructure and not providing authentic treatment, many of these even being manned by unqualified persons without basic knowledge of Ayurveda..
Sandhya Medicity NABH Accridated Clinics & Hospitals
A Quality Accreditation will also ensure as importantly that the minimum infrastructure in terms of qualified and trained man-power, space, equipment, indoor facilities and other basic amenities are available.
Quality Management Systems (QMS) in this sector will result in Standard Operating Procedures being developed and followed for administering the various therapies, to prevent deviations or misuse.
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