How To Get Rid Of Typhoid Fever By Ayurvedic Treatment?

Typhoid fever is  that can spread throat bacterial infection out the body, affecting many organs.

अथ संशोषिसन्निपातलक्षणमाहपरतिमेचक-लोचनयुगलो मलोत्सर्गात्। संशोषिणि सितपिडिका-मण्डलयक्तो ज्वरे नरो भवति ॥५२२॥ संशोषी सन्निपात ज्वर के लक्षण-संशोषी सन्निपात ज्वर में रोगी का शरीर अधिक दस्त आने से काला पड़ जाता है तथा दोनों नेत्र भी अत्यन्त काले हो जाते हैं। और शरीर में सफेद-सफेद फुसियों का मण्डल उत्पन्न हो जाता है।

BY Ayurveda

Typhoid fever is caused by Salmonella typhi bacteria. Typhoid fever is rare in developed countries.Typhoid fever is not mentioned ‘as it is’ in Ayurveda; there are many schools of thought in explaining the description of Typhoid fever.

It may correlated to “Sannipata jwara” in general. Some opine that it matches a condition described as Santata Jwara – one of the types of Vishama jwara described by Acharya Charaka. Charaka categorically mentions that a jwara (fever) with an imbalanced spread all across the body through rasavaha strotas (blood vessels) causes stiffness.

Salmonella typhi is passed in feces or urine of infected people. bacteria pass from feces to food and food to the human body through oral consumption of contaminated food. Therefore it is called fecal-oral transmission route.

Symptoms of Typhoid

  • The symptoms in typhoid develop gradually. They often appear one to three weeks after the exposure to the disease.
  • Incubation period – roughly 1-2 weeks
  • Duration of illness – roughly 3-4: – Early illness

Signs and Symptoms Include:-

  • Fever that starts low and increases daily, possibly reaching as high as 104.9 F (40.5 C)
  • Headache
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Muscle aches
  • Sweating
  • Dry cough
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss
  • Stomach pain
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Rash
  • Extremely swollen stomach
  • Later illness

Without treatment, you may:-

  • Become delirious
  • Lie motionless and exhausted with your eyes half-closed in what’s known as the typhoid stat
  • Life-threatening complications often develop at this time.

During first week

  • Gastrointestinal manifestations – abdominal pain and tenderness occur. In some cases, there is fierce colicky pain in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen.
  • Inflammation of Peyer’s patches occurs following monocytic infiltration. The bowel lumen becomes narrow.
  • Dry cough, dull frontal headache, delirium and malaise occur.
  • Fever plateaus at 103-104 degree F at the end of the first week.
  • Rose spots which are salmon-colored develop. They are blanching, truncal, macula-papules usually 1-4 cm wide and fewer than 5 in numbers. They generally resolve within 2-5 days.

During second week

  • Progression of signs and symptoms which appear in the first week
  • Distension of abdomen
  • Splenomegaly
  • Relative bradycardia and dicrotic pulse develop
  • Ayurvedic diagnosis methods. The pulse reading technique was non existent in ancient periods of Charaka Sushruta and Vagbhata.  Yogaratnakara book mentions the pulse examination technique in detail.

In a patient, eight places should be examined

  1. Nadi – Pulse
  2. Mutra – urine
  3. Mala – feces
  4. Jihva – tongue
  5. Shabda – the various body sounds (such as crackling in case of arthritis), voice hoarseness etc.
  6. Sparsha – examination by touch. – to know body temperature, local raise of temperature in a swelling etc.
  7. Druk – external appearance of the person, examination by eyes.
  8. Akruti – shape and built of the person.

  • Doctor should examine the pulse in the initial consultation to know about the extent of Dosha imbalance. After the treatment, at the end of disease also, doctor should do pulse examination to know the difference.
  • Like the strings of Veena generates all Ragas, similarly the pulse of the hand enlightens all the diseases.
  • The root cause for all diseases is imbalance of Tridosha (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) and cause for Tridosha imbalance is improper food and activities.

Ayurvedic Treatment

*’शमयेत् पित्तमेवादी ज्वरेषु समवायिषु । दर्निवारतमं तद्धि ज्वरातेषु विशेषतः ॥२३॥

*यत्पुनस्तन्त्रान्तरेऔर जो किसी-किसी ग्रन्थों में यह पाया जाम यह पाया जाता है कि सन्निपात ज्वर में प्रथम पित्त काही शमन करना चाहिया स्योंकि ज्वररोगियों में विशेष करके वही अर्थात पित्त ही निव है अतः सर्वप्रथम पित्त का ही शमन करना चाहिये।।९३।।। अर्थात् पित्त ही निवारण करने में कठिन होता है अर्थात् ज्वर पित्तप्रधान होता है|

by Ayurveda

  • Langan treatment is advised.
  • Water should be boiled and reduced to 1/8 is help full in reduced fever
  • Adrak ka ras sendha namak sont pipa Kali mirchi course powder take in the mouth then split out again and again
  • Tab marit sanjevani vati 2bd
  • Panchkol powder 5gm with goat milk
  • Tab madhurantak vati 1bd
  • Amrita kashya or giloy ghan vati

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