Tab, vata Shamak

In Stock

Pathya (Haritaki) (P.) 1 Part
Shringi (Karkatashringi) (Gl.) 1 Part
Visha (Vatsanabha) (Rt.) 1 Part
Marica (Fr.) 1 Part Pippali (Fr.) 1 Part
Shunthi (Rz.) 1 Part
Agnimantha (Rt.) 1 Part Tankana shuddha 1 Part



Neuromuscular disordersparalysis,, Gridhrasi (Sciatica), Kroshtuka Sirsha (Synovitis of Knee joint)Avabahuka,(Brachialgia Manya Stambha (Neck rigidity Stiffness in thigh muscles)


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