Tab. Head care

In Stock

Guggulu-Indian Bedellium (resin)-Commiphora mukul-192 g Triphala-Terminalia chebula (Haritaki)

Terminalia bellirica (Vibhitaki) & Phyllanthus emblica (Amla)-96 g12 g of each fine powder of Kushta-Saussurea lappaYashtimadhu-Licorice-Glycyrrhiza
glabraKana-Long pepper (fruit)-
Piper longumShunti- Ginger (rhizome)-
Zingiber officinalis Gokshura-Small caltrops (whole plant)-
Tribulus terrestrisVidanga-False black pepper (fruit) –
Embelia ribes Decoction of DashamoolaGhrita-cow ghee



Headache, migraine, tension Vascular headache etc.


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