If you’re concerned that you or a loved one may be suffering from hemiplegia, there are multiple treatment options available. It is important to note that early detection is critical.
A consultation with a doctor who specializes in treating conditions like hemiplegia will help determine how to proceed and whether treatment will be necessary. Treatment depends on many factors, including but not limited to your condition’s severity and which side of your body is affected.
Hemiplegia is the commonest manifestation of a ‘stroke’ with neurological deficit affecting the face, limbs and trunk on one side or either side of the body. Impulses for voluntary movement are transmitted by the pyramidal tracts or upper motor neurons.
Damage to these pyramidal tracts due to any lesion, trauma, ischemia or hemorrhage produces paralysis. In Ayurveda, it can be correlated with ‘Pakshaghata’. When Vata getting aggravated, dries up the
Srotas and Snayu (tendons) of one side (half) of the body, makes the organ/ parts of that side incapable of functioning and loss of sensation.
पक्षावातलक्षणमाहगृहीत्वाऽर्द्ध तनोर्वायुः शिराः स्नायूविशोष्य च । पक्षमन्यतरं हन्ति सन्धिबन्धान्विमोक्षयन् ॥२०४॥ कृत्स्नोऽर्द्धकायस्तस्य स्यादकर्मण्यो विचेतनः । एकाङ्गवातं तङ्केचिदन्ये पक्षवधं विदुः ॥२०५॥ *अर्द्धम् = अर्द्धनारीश्वरवत्। पक्षं = बाहुपछर्वोरुजङ्घाऽऽदिभागम्। अन्यतरं = वामं दक्षिणं वा। विमोक्षयन् = शिथिलीकुर्वन्। अकर्मण्यः =कर्मासमर्थः। विचेतनः = ईषत्स्पर्शादिज्ञानयुक्तः॥२०४-२०५॥
वायु शरीर के आधे भाग को पकड़ कर शिराओं तथा स्नायुओं को सुखा कर तथा सन्धिबन्धनों को ढीला करके दानि अथवा बाँयें किसी एक ओर के अङ्ग (बाहु, पार्श्व, ऊरु, जङ्घा आदि भाग) मार देता है। जिससे उस मनुष्य का सम्पूर्ण आधा शरीर अकर्मण्य हो जाता है। और स्पर्शादिज्ञान बहुत कम रह जाता है। इस रोग को कुछ वैद्य ‘पक्षाघात’ कुछ वैद्य ‘एकाङ्गवात’ तथा कुछ वैद्य ‘पक्षवध’ कहते हैं जिस प्रकार अर्द्धनारीश्वर का आधा शरीर स्त्री तथा आधा शरीर पुरुषमय है, इसी प्रकार इस रोग से पीड़ित मनुष्य का आधा शरीर क्रियाहीन और विचेतन हो जाता है और शेष आधे शरीर में किसी प्रकार की विकृति नहीं होती।।२०४-२०५।।
by Ayurveda
Causes of Hemiplegia
Hemiplegia is defined as Paralysis affecting one side of your body. It may also cause speech and swallowing issues, depending on which hemisphere is affected.
Hemiplegia often results from strokes, traumatic brain injuries, or lesions on specific parts of your brain; it is not to be confused with hemiparesis, which affects movement on both sides of your body.
Brain damage related to spinal cord injuries and degenerative disorders such as multiple sclerosis may also result in hemiplegia. The left hemisphere controls movements on the right side of your body while the right hemisphere controls movements on your left side.
- Cerebro-vascular accidents (Stroke)
- Cerebral hemorrhage
- Sub – arachnoid hemorrhage
- Cerebral thrombosis
- Internal carotid artery thrombosis or stenosis
- Cerebral embolism
- Venous sinus thrombosis
- Hypertensive encephalopathy
- Cerebral tumors
- Acute encephalitis
Damage to the pyramidal tracts produces impairment or loss of voluntary movement from interruption of the conduction of motor impulses.
Risk factors
- Age
- Sex
- Hypertension
- Diabetes mellitus
- Smoking, Alcohol abuse
- Obesity
- Hyperlipidemia
Clinical features
- Unilateral loss of voluntary power in the affected arm, leg and in the lower face
- Clasp-knife type spasticity
- Tongue is protruded towards the paralysed side (in facial palsy)
- Upper limb flexed at the elbow and wrist forearm slightly pronated
- Movement of the hand and fingers are more affected than those of upper arm
- Haemogram
- Lipid profile
- C T Scan / MRI in patients with Bell palsy may show enhancement of the seventh cranial nerve (facial nerve) at or near the geniculate
- Doppler studies of the Neck
- CSF examination
- X – Ray Spine ECG.
Management approach.
Line of treatment
माषात्मगुप्तावातारिवाट्यालकजटाशृतम् ॥२०९॥ हिङ्गुसैन्धवसंयुक्तं पक्षाघातं विनाशयेत् । माषिके हिङ्गुसिन्धूत्थे जरणाद्यास्तु शाणिकाः ॥२१०॥ ।
उड़द, कौंच के बीज, एरण्डमूल तथा खिरेटी की जड़ के क्वाथ को हींग तथा सेन्धानमक डालकर पीने से पक्षाघात नष्ट हो जाता है। इस क्वाथ में डालने के लिये हींग तथा सेन्धानमक १-१ माशे तथा जीरा आदि पदार्थ १ शाण (२४ रत्ती) लेना चाहिये।।२०९-२१०।।
by Ayurveda
- (Charaka. Chikitsha sthana)
- Nidana parivarjana (avoidance of aetiological factors) – Management of treatable risk factors and diseases like hypertension, acute encephalitis, heart disease etc. and avoid trauma.
- Samshodhana chikitsa – (Bio-cleansing therapies) followed by aamana chikitsa (Palliative therapy) should be advocated. .
1. Virechnam (Purgation) Decoction of the following is helpful with decoctions of (a) Draksha (Vitis vinifera) – 10 gm,
- Aragvadha Phala Majja(Cassia fistula Fruit Rind) – 10gm
- Haritaki (Terminalia chebula seedless fruit powder/decoction) – 10 gm
- Katuki (Picrorhiza kurroa) – 5 gm along withered (Ricinus communis) taila – 1 teaspoon. Or Eranda taila(Caster oi l) 10 – 20 ml with half glass of milk at nighti depends upon the bala,and koshta of patient
- Tab deepen 1bd for 15 day
- Snehana (Oleation): massage with medicated oils such as
- Sandhya”s joint care oil.
- Maha narayana taila
- Mahamsha taila
- Bala taila with accupressure points for 7days.
- Sarvanga sveda with dashmool kashya for 7 – 14 days
- Svedana (Medicated fomentation)
- Shashtika shali panda sveda (made from shashtika shali(Navara Rice), Bala mula, Ashwagandha mula and milk)/Patra pind sweda for 7-14 days
- Vasti (medicated enema)
- Matra vasti with Narayana taila 50 ml daily for 7 – 14 days. or
- kala basti for 16 days oil basti with maha mash oil 100 ml.
- Honey – 200 ml,
- Saindhava lavana – 15 gm
- Taila – 200 ml,
- Kalka – [vacha, shatavri, priyangu,30 gm[
- Kashaya vasti (Kala vasti krama) Eranda mula , rasana,gaduchi, ashwagandha, punarnava, aragvadha, devdaru , madan phala.]- 480 ml,
- Nasya karma/ Brinhana Nasya with (old ghee) / Narayana taila /Ksheera Bala taila 8-8 drops in both nostrils for 7 days
- Shirobasti with medicated oils (Narayana taila / Ksheera Bala taila daily 45 minutes for 7 days
- Shirodhara with medicated liquids (Sandhya’s shiro dhara oil ,Narayana taila / Ksheera Bala taila ) daily 45 minutes for 21 days
(Above said formulations are common in practice but dose should be adjusted by the physician according to patient’s condition). Paralysis is chronic disease so need all treatment in steps foe –
Oral drugs
- Bhrit vat Chintamani ras 125 mg 1bd .{or in od dosage according to weight .}
- Tab. Neurocare / ekangveer ras . 1bd. With warm warer
- Tab triodashang guggul 1bd. With warm warer.
- Syp maha rasnyadi kawath 30 ml with warm water.
- Mishmash oil 10 ml + south 3gm +erand oil 5 ml at night .daily for 15 days.
- In diet take lasun [GARLIC] 3gm make a paste add saindhav lavan 1gm empty stomach .
Prevention of Hemiplegia
- Add masha (black gram), kulattha (horse gram), palandu(onion), rasona (garlic), Shunthi/Ardraka (ginger), mulaka (radish), kushmanda (ash gourd), mudga (green gram) in regular diet
- Use fruits like dadima (pomegranate),Amra (mango), draksha (grape) etc.
- Consume low fat and high fiber diet and Rasayana drugs
- Control the treatable risk factors like diabetes mellitus, hypertension, heart diseases
- Take neccessry treatment of hypertension (if any)
- Control cholesterol level and weight
- Practice regular exercises
- Avoid excessive use of pungent, astringent and/ or salty, oily/ fatty food and incompatible diet, chana (bengal gram), peas, barley etc.
- Avoid excessive starvation, excess exercises, suppressing of natural urges and awakening in the nights
- Avoid alcohol consumption, smoking
- Avoid discontinuation of any regular medication without medical advise