A urinary tract infection is an infection in which any part of the urinary system involves your kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra part of your urinary system. Uti can affect any group of age but women are at greater risk.

Causes of Urinary Tract Infection
- Pathya food prepared with Joo. butter Milk
- When bacteria group and travel into the urinary tract through the urethras it starts to cause UTIs –
- Poor hygiene maintain –
- Less intake of fluids.
- In diabetes, UTI Chances increase.
- Shukrjnya – Shilajit with honey
- Sexual intercourse, especially if more frequent and intense or with multiple partners.
- Bowel incontinence or incomplete evacuation
- Urinary or kidney stones
- Pregnancy
- Blockage of catheter
- Blood mix urine milk with mishri.
- Do local massage on abdomen with marinade oil, kali Mirch mix in oil, and apply.
- Suppressed immune system
- Prolonged holding the urination
Symptoms Urinary Tract Infection
- Pain in the pelvic region
- Increases frequency of urination
- Pain while passing urine
- Burning sensation during urination
- Frequently but a small amount of urine
- Foul or strong smell in urine
- Cloudy urine or dark yellowish color of urine
- Blood mixed urine or red, bright pink, or cola-colored urine
- Severe pain and blockage of urine when stone block the passage of urination
Symptoms may vary due to the types of urinary tract infection mentioned below:-
- Acute hydronephrosis – involving of kidneys shows symptoms like back pain
- shaking and chills
- fever
- vomiting
- Nausea
Risk factors of Urinary Tract Infection
- Women are more prominent in UTIs as compared to men.
- It also includes:- Female anatomy – bacterial growth reaches faster to urinary tract from urethera due to the short length of urethera
Contraceptives Intake –
- contraceptives disrupt the natural balance of the vagina and cause bacterial growth to persist in the urinary tract.
- Menopause – due to decline in Circulating estrogen cause UTI.
- Sexual activity – UTI risks are high in, those who have frequent and intense or multiple sexual partners.
- Congenital anomaly or urinary tract abnormality.
- Suppressed immune system
- Blockage or passage due to kidney stones and enlarged prostate tends to the risk of UTI.
- If UTI is treated properly, it rarely leads to complications. But left untreated may lead to serious consequences which may include:-
- Acute or chronic pyelonephritis
- Recurrent infections
- Increased risk in pregnant women of delivering premature or low birth weight infants.
- Ureteral structure /narrowing in men from recurrent UTI.
- A life-threatening complication is sepsis.
Differential Diagnosis:-
- Acute pyelonephritis common bacterial infection of the renal pelvis
- Bladder cancer cystitis
- Urethritis
- Vaginitis pelvic inflammatory
- Diabetes
- Renal calculus
To rule out urinary tract infection, the following tests help to diagnose.
Urine sample examination –
- Positive pus cell
- WBC Cast
- Urine culture sensitivity – positive
- USG, CT – scan, and MRI in recurrent and complicated UTs
- Use cystoscopy to tract the urinary system urethra and bladder
- Plenty of fluids
- Hygiene maintained
- Avoid use of chemical products over genital organs
- Avoid uses of contraceptives
- Wipe off genitals after intercourse
UTIs are Sometimes Covered Up Only By Home Remedies But If Symptoms Increased And Having No Relief Then After Taking Treatment It Take 24 To 48 Hours To Be Cured. But In Some Serious Conditions Needs Extra Care.
- Ayurvedic Treatment; Do local massage on the abdomen with marinade oil, kali Mirch mix in oil, and apply.
- Pathya__food prepared with Joo.butter Milk
- Amla swaras with gud.
- Sugarcane Juice with honey.
- Got milk with mishri.
- Good foods in Ashmari
- Kulattha – Horse gram
- Mudga – Green gram
- Godhuma – Wheat
- Jeerna Shali – Old rice
- Yava – Barley
- Dhanvamisham – Meat of animals living in desert regions
- Kushmanda phalam – Ash gourd
- Pathya food prepared with joo. butter Milk
- When bacteria group and travel into urinary tract through urethras it stats to cause UTI –
- Poor hygiene maintain –
- Less intake of fluids.
- In diabetes , UTI Chances increase .
- Shukrjnya – Shilajit with honey
- Sexual intercourse , especially if more frequent and intense or with multiple partners.
- Bowel incontinence or incomplete evacuation
- Urinary or kidney stones
- Pregnancy
- Blockage of catheter
- Blood mix urine milk with mishri.
- Do local massage on abdomen with marichadi oil, kali mirch mix in oil and apply.
- Suppressed immune system
- Prolonged holding the urination
Symptoms may very due to types of urinary tract infection mentioned below :-
- Acute hydronephritis – involving of kidneys shows symptoms as back pain
- shaking and chills
- fever
- vomiting
- Nausea
Risk factors :-
Women are more prominent to UTI as compare to men. It also include :-
- Contraceptives intake – contraceptives disrupts the natural balance of the vagina and cause bacterial growth persisting into urinary tract.
- Menopause – due to decline in Circulating estrogen cause UTI.
- Sexual activity – UTI risk are high in, who have frequent and intense or multiple sexual partner.
Congenital anomaly or urinary tract abnormality.
- Suppressed immune system
- Blockage or passage due to kidney stone and enlarged prostate tends the risk of UTI.
Complications :-
- If UTI treated properly , it rarely lead to complication. But left untreated may lead to serious consequence it may include:-
- Acute or chronic pyelonephritis
- Recurrent infections
- Increased risk in pregnant women of delivering premature or low birthweight infants.
- Ureteral structure /narrowing in men from recurrent uti.
- A life threating complication sepsis.
Differential diagnosis
- Acute pyelonephritis common bacterial infection of renal pelvis
- Bladder cancer cystitis
- Urethritis
- Vaginitis pelvic inflammatory
- Diabetes
- Renal calculus
Diagnosis – To rule urinary tract infection , following tests help to diagnosed.
Urine sample examination –
- Positive pus cell
- WBC Cast
- Urine culture sensitivity – positive
- USG , CT – scan , MRI in recurrent and complicated UT’s
- Use cystoscopy to tract the urinary system urethra and bladder
- Plenty of fluids
- Hygiene maintained
- Avoid uses of chemical products over genital organs
- Avoid uses of contraceptives
- Wipe off genitals after intercourse
Prognosis :-UTI Sometimes Covered Up Only By Home Remedies But If Symptoms Increased And Having No Relief Then After Taking Treatment It Take 24 To 48 Hours To Be Cured . But In Some Serious Condition Needs Extra Care.
- Ayurvedic Treatment ; Do local massage on abdomen with marichadi oil, kali mirch mix in oil and apply.
- Pathya__food prepared with joo.butter Milk
- Amla swaras with gud.
- Sugarcan Juice with honey.
- Got milk with mishri.
- Good foods in Ashmari
- Kulattha – Horse gram
- Mudga – Green gram
- Godhuma – Wheat
- Jeerna Shali – Old rice
- Yava – Barley
- Dhanvamisham – Meat of animals living in desert regions
- Kushmanda phalam – Ash gourd
- Ardraka – Wet ginger
- Wet ginger
Treatment mutrakrich
- vataj –punarnavadi mishran.
- Pitaj –trinpanchmoolkwath.
- Shatavarighrita.
- Haritakiyadikwath
- Kapha –Pravalbhasmwithricewashwater.
- TrikatuTriphalanagarmothamixwithhoney.withgokshuradikawath.
- LohabhasamplusMadhufor3days
- Shukrjnya. Shilajitwithhoney
- Tab. Chandraprabha vati 2bd
- Tab. Gokshuradi guggulu 2bd
- Tab. Mahashankh vati 2bd
- Gokshuradi ch.+ Shankh bh.+ yavkshara+ gadbad bh. 3gm tds
- Syp. Chandasav 2 TSF TDS