It can be defined as the Abhyanga procedure of application of Sneha Dravya over the body with mild pressure. Thus taila/ghrita/vasa, etc. are rubbed over the body in directions comfortable to the patient. It improves strength and alleviates Vata. Abhyanga is a type of Bahya Snehana. It can be performed as therapeutic procedure as well as preventive procedure.
Materials and Equipment Required for Abhyanga Procedure:
• Abhyanga table – 1
• Medicated oil – 100 to 150ml
• Vessel – 200ml. capacity
• Tissue paper/soft towel
• Green gram powder/ Medicated Snana Churna/ Medicated soap
Oils commonly used in the Abhyanga:
• Masha taila
• Narayana taila
• Dhanvantara taila
• Karpasasthyadi taila
• Ksheera bala taila etc.
Man power
• Ayurvedic Physician : 1
• Masseur : 2
Abhyanga Procedure:
• The patient is made to sit on the Abhyanga table with leg extended. The oil is to be heated to at 38 degree temperature.
• Oil applied over the middle of head four finger away from fore head .massage on head and fore head for 5 mints.
• Oilis applied in ears, and soles of feet, hands and nashi,
• Then the oil should be applied uniformly with mild pressure over the body from up to downward direction .so it increases blood circulation.
• On joints like knee, elbow, ankle joint, massage should be done in circular direction.
• Massage can be done according to origin and insertion of muscles, and hair follicles .
Therapist & Self taking Abhyanga Steps:
- Leg to foot in left leg,and marma points Janu marma, talhridya marma , kshipra marma ,
- Knee joint circular direction, Janu marma, 5 mints
- Thigh to foot in right leg, and marma points Janu marma, tal hirdya marma , kshipra marma
- Knee joint circular direction, Janu marma and points 5mints.
- Abdomen in antilock wise direction for 3 mints
- Hands to abdomen right hand — all hands point like kshipra marma, tal hirdya marma, miniband marma , 3mints. It helps to move aggravated dosha from extremities to abdomen
- Hands to abdomen left- hand – similar way for 3mints
- Neck and face massage 3mints,
- Ask the patient to turns towards left on abdomen
- Massage on left leg on upward direction so veins can carry blood towards heart for 5 mints. – points – talhridya marma, center of foot , inderbasti marma, 4finger below the knee joint. urvi marma 4 finger below thigh give 3 points at the distance of 2 fingers each.
- Massage on right leg on upward direction so veins can carry blood towards heart for 5 .
Same as left leg - Massage on back and cervical and lumbar points. 1 finger distance on each vertibras. 5 mints.
- Massage on hand to back left arm . 3 mints
- Massage on hand to back right arm . 3 mints.
Another type of Abhyanga Procedure:
Abhyanga should be done in seven position –
- Sitting
- Supine
- Right Lateral and Left Lateral
- Positions and
- Prone Position
At the end of the procedure the oil on the body is wiped off with tissue paper or towels.
Duration of Abhyanga
- Usually 45 to 50 minutes.
- Post operative procedure
- Patient should take complete rest for half to one hour in a comfortable manner. Bath can be taken with hot water and medicated powder (Snana churna) or soap may be used to remove the oil and to clean the body. Light semisolid digestible diet may be advised after bath indications:
- Neuromuscular disorders – Pakshavadha (Hemiplegia), Shaishaveeya- vata (Poliomyeliti Pangu (paraplegia) and Gridhrasi (Sciatica)etc.
- Rheumotological problems- Arthritis, Lumbago etc.
- Vriddhavastha (Old age)
- Shirahshula (Headache)
- Angamarda (Bodyache)
- Rejuvenation of the body
- Navajwara (Acute fevers)
- Ajeerna (Indigestion)
- Raktapitta (Hemorrhagic disorders)
- Atisara (Diarrhoea)
- Immediately after Panchakarma
Benefits of taking Abhyanga:
- It provides smoothness and improves luster of the skin.
- It takes care of body-exhaustion
- It controls Vata (Neurological disorders)
- It improves vision
- It induces sound sleep
- It strengthens the body and gives longevity
The Abhyanga with oils provides stimulation to the nerves. It improves the sensory motor integration. It also gives passive exercise to the muscles thereby strengthening them. The gentle pressure used during massage relaxes the muscles.
Scientific Explanation
Abhyanga also removes skin dryness and improves skin luster.